Analysing IT risks in companies
MORE ABOUTWe will map the security risks in your company
and suggest ways to eliminate themComplex IT solutions
MORE ABOUTHelping schools manage their IT infrastructure
We design the ideal solution for youOutsourcing IT
MORE ABOUTIt is too expensive for you to run your own IT department,
but need to keep your business running smoothly?
Then the IT outsourcing service is for you.Where we operate
MORE ABOUTYou will find our customers not only
in the Moravian-Silesian region, but throughout
Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland.Management of computer networks
MORE ABOUTWe will build a new or take over the management of your existing data network. We will take care of regular maintenance, monitoring, replacement of active elements, servers, printers, end stations and other devices.
Helpdesk IT
MORE ABOUTWe can help you provide technical support for your employees. We can work effectively with your IT department to create and maintain a reliable environment.
Delivery of HW and SW
MORE ABOUTHardware and software deliveries are also part of the comprehensive solutions we offer to our customers.
MORE ABOUTBacking up data is one of the most important activities for restoring and re-establishing the smooth running of a business in the event of hardware, software or user-induced data loss.
MORE ABOUTThis advanced technology brings more efficient use of available hardware, easier management and reduced operating costs.
Analýza IT rizik ve firmách Zmapujeme bezpečnostní rizika ve Vaší společnosti a navrhneme způsoby jejich eliminace.

IT Prime s.r.o.
Švabinského 1700/4, 702 00 Ostrava
Tel.: +420 775 718 095, +420 602 708 953
Mail: info@itprime.cz
Helpdesk: +420 601 007 107