Správa datových sítí

Data network administration

We will build a new computer network or we will take over your existing one. We will provide its regular check and ensure incident-free run of your data network.

What services do we offer?

Network administration

We will take over your company network. We will identify its weaknesses and propose improvements. We will ensure its regular maintenance, monitoring or replacement of active network elements, servers, printers, workstations, and other devices.

Implementation of new networks

If you are planning to build a new computer network or to extend your existing one, we will make a proposal as well as carry out its implementation.

Who is the service designed for?

Data network administration is primarily designed for small-size and medium-size businesses, which do not find it worth employing their own network administrator. Based on the size and nature of your network, our company will provide you with a specialist who will regularly visit your company and effectively carry out all activities necessary for incident-free run of your data network.

Why to cooperate with us?

IT Prime s.r.o. has been specialising in service deliveries in the area of IT Outsourcing since 2008. We have experience with cooperation with companies from automotive and building industry, services, industry and production area as well as non-profit organisations in Ostrava and its vicinity. The experience enables us to flexibly react to non-standard requirements of our clients. An overview of selected clients can be found in section References. We will be glad to welcome you among our clients as well.

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